I will right? wright? write? my big letter right now. I’M ON
So, first of all. Remember how we were taking care of two wards before? I was hoping the wards would get split and I would stay in one and my companion in the other? NOPE They took me out of there.. We got the phone call. I heard that I would be leaving. Almost in tears I hung up. I wanted more than anything to stay there! I know it is part of the learning process and four and a half months is quite a bit. So I’m out of there. I went around talking to all of the members of the ward at the chapel saying goodbye and stuff. João Paulo that we just baptized was BROKEN! He was all teary eyed as we said goodbye. I went up to the Bishop and he made every bit of sweat dropped worth it. He said, ``this ward has been in a hole for months. You got here and completely changed it. You are the one who made the difference.`` That made every hardship worth it.
Anyways, we get to the transfer meeting this morning and I had no idea what to expect. President goes on to announce the new leadership callings. I’m going to train! :) We will pick up our ``kids`` tomorrow afternoon. Me and my comp from the MTC live together and he will be training also .) And another elder , also from the MTC district is in our district. It’s like a reunion! Since we are in the same zone, we are in a trio until tomorrow when we go to the mission office to get our greenies.
I think the hardest part of leaving the ward was (of course) the members. They were awesome. Especially the people I got to help come unto Christ and follow his example. I’m opening this area but from what I’ve seen it’ll be pretty good. It’s the richest area that I’ve been in so far. I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. I’ll let you know next week!! :)
But yeah the talent show we had Saturday night was AWESOME. We ended up with like fifty people there. I had wished for more, but we had enough people performing to fill up all of the time slots. Even we did something. I took a video of the whole thing but it’s way way too long to send, and here in a year and two months you’ll see it. :) I’ll send some pictures though.
As sad that I am, from leaving my old area, I am very grateful to have this opportunity to grow and learn with the new missionary I’ll be training. I just hope for help from the ward.
Sou grato por estarmos aqui e pelas coises que a gente vai aprender juntos. Estavamos falando Inglês muito hoje e é muito difícil escrever em Português. Eu amo cada um de vocês muito! Tenha uma boa semana!
From Shannon -- Google Translation – not always accurate but my only option right now!!! Some of you who went to Brazil that are reading this letter - please correct if you can – thank you! “ I am grateful to be here and the Coises we will learn together. We were speaking English a lot today and it is very difficult to write in Portuguese. I love each of you very much! Have a good week! “ Actually, he could tell me that he ate a tuna sandwich or is wearing blue socks and I’d be almost as thrilled – I love hearing and reading his Portuguese - It’s amazing!!! It is a very deep, rich sounding, beautiful language.
You’re not on!!! We’re about to leave. It’s okay though. Just so you know.. the package is.. AWESOME!! How did you know I was wanting peanut butter!!! My first mistake was showing hot cheetos to Brazilians.. They don’t have those here. I loved it!! Everything about it. I’m even enjoying the books! Imagine that.. me liking a book. Ha ha ha I love you guys and thank you so much!!!
(If you remember the pizza picture from last week ) One side of the pizza was ham and cheese and the other chicken! We ate pizza for lunch today actually... the first place I’ve seen open at noon. Usually they only have it for dinner!! It was cool though!
Have a good week. :)
Love you lots and thanks so much for your support. It means a ton to me. WISH ME LUCK when we go to get our greenies!! We pick them up at four.. 12 your time right!?!? Until next week!!! :)
PS from Shannon - Elder Kyler wrote me last week that transfers were Sunday (yesterday) and that he felt pretty sure he would be leaving this time -- he was write? wright? right!! ha ha ha I couldn't resist!!! :) But what I wrote before the teasing is true! And also it makes me smile and very happy when he has trouble writing or speaking in English!!! I Love it!!!