January 14, 2014

Email 12-9-13

This week was good! We found some awesome people to teach. One guy stopped us in the street telling us he wanted help with some things he was going through. He was way drunk but we marked an appointment with him and passed by for when we marked.  He wasn´t home.  We marked with his family for another time, and he wasn´t there again.  We kind of gave up on him and sat down to have a conversation and teach his family. (sisters and mom)  As we got to talking, turns out they didn’t want anything to do with us.  But they told us about a kid that got shot six times and lived through it.  He lives on the other side of the street of where we were.  We went there right after.  We knocked on the door and someone yelled `` IT´S THE JEHOVA´S WITNESSES`` we laughed and walked up the stairs.  She welcomed us in and we explained who we were and what not.  Her son limped, the one who got shot.  Turns out he got shot at six times but only took three of them.  We taught them a little bit and remarked to teach them for reals.  We took a member with us the next time and taught the Restoration for reals.  They ate up everything we told them and accepted the baptismal date.  It was cool to see how the lord works in the building of his kingdom.   He worked through a drunk man in the street, for us to find people ready to accept the true and restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We have been teaching this guy for the past two weeks.   We knocked his door and asked if L____ lived there. (We knew L____didn't live there, we just wanted to talk to him.)  He said no but we talked to him on the spot.  We have been teaching him for these couple weeks and will be baptized on Saturday.   He´s super awesome. His name is P____ H____ and he´s 33.   He is elect.   He accepts to live all of the commandments the moment we taught them.   He has given up everything and told us. ``I am ready to start a new chapter in my life!``
Also we have been teaching this family where the mom won´t marry her man because she doesn’t like him, but she goes to church with three of her kids, and the other two kids said they will start going next week. Well the three that are going will be baptized on Sunday!   E____, E____, and W____.   They´re great! We´ve been teaching them for over a month now.  They are all already talking about going on missions. We´ll finish this transfer with one baptism on Saturday, three on Sunday.  And IF I stay on the area we will have two more here in two weeks, and two more the week after that.
Yesterday the Bishop told us, you are the two we will remember forever.  The ones who changed this ward into a baptizing ward. The Bishop is a pretty untrustworthy man, but it made me feel good when he said this!
This week was good.  We had some great times!   I´m really glad this computer had spell check... without it I would be lost.  I am finding it really hard to think and type in English.
Thanks for all you do!!
-Elder Kyler Blane Farr

More info:

We will find out on Thursday all of the rules about Christmas! I hope we will be able to skype

We made up L____ just to be able to talk to P____. We do it alot.. it gets awkward when the fake name we use ends up being the name of the person! Ha ha

It is snowing!?!?       I am missing the cold so much! Ha ha ha it is sooo hot here right now. But it’s okay!!   Tem que sofrer para crescer!   It sounds cooler in Portuguese..   “You have to suffer to grow.”   We say that alot..   it keeps us going sometimes.

Yeah we talk to them (our African brothers) a few times a week when we see them in the road.  They are so awesome.  I love the guys, but they are NEVER at home.  We mark with them, and we pass by without warning, and they’re never there... The only time we see em is in the street.   We’ll get em sooner or later though!! :)  Z____ hugs me every time he sees us.  He’s awesome and his accent is legit.   They’re just really humble kind guys.

We’ll be leaving in ten minutes!   I didn’t realize the time.   I love you guys though.   Try to send me some of the cold..   And I’ll send you the hot!   :)   LUUVV YUHH   

Okay --- get ready.....  here comes some cold!!!   Did you feel it?!!!!

I didn’t feel it.. But maybe it takes a little while to get here to Brazil!
Transfers are next week.. I think I’ll stay here but anything is possible! I’ll le you know when I know though! Ha ha

When do you get the new president?

In like 6 months! His time’s almost up.. He’s super trunky too! Ha ha

The president?  He’s from Curitiba.   His accent is so funny!   I love talking to him, ha ha.   but yeah! We’re getting out of here now!   We have a ton of things to do today we have CHURRASCO at the stake presidents house tonight! :)   A huge barbecue, for all of the missionaries in our stake!   It’s gonna be awesome.
 Love you!   Have a great week