June 4, 2013

More from 5-27-13

Kyler sent this after sending his original letter:
I forgot to say, that D_____ soon to be wife told me to tell you thanks so much. She is so grateful that you and dad have such a strong testimony of the Gospel, Enough for us to feel the desire to serve a mission. She said because of you two, and your testimonies, she had the opportunity, through us, to learn of the Gospel and have much more happiness in her life. She was on the verge of tears as said she just wanted to give you and dad the biggest longest hug in the world! I have never seen so much gratitude from a person in my life! It was amazing. She is so amazing. They will be so firm in the gospel. I don't have a single doubt in my mind. If I ever get the opportunity go back there, they will be the first that I go visit!! I’m so grateful I’m here experiencing this!! It’s great!! :) 

You guys are the best!! Keep doing what you’re doing, working hard! Everything always works out when we do what we’re supposed to.  I don’t know why I’m telling this to you, you already know! I guess, just know that I love you guys a ton!! And that I’m learning so much!    :)
-Elder Kyler Blane Farr
 our reply:
That’s so amazing what she said... if you get a chance, tell her thank you and that what she said means so much to us. I would love to give her a big long hug too.  It's amazing on this end of the experience to hear about people like her letting our son into her home, and to allow you to teach them and to love you and help take care of you.  We're so far away in miles and we pray all the time that people will be responsive to you and kind and nice and helpful and we take good care of our missionaries here partially so that people like her will help take care of you. It means so very much to us that you are associating with people like them.  
(He later said that he will be allowed at the end of his mission to visit all of his areas so he's excited to go back and see them!)