More from Elder Kyler 3 June 2013
He is serving in Jerusalem and Cidade Oeste right now – Jerusalém pronounced just like Jerusalem but the emphasis is on the last e, and Cidade Oeste. seed-ah-gee oh-es-ch
Favela just means like a ghetto. Right in the middle of Cidade Oeste is where it is.
He likes to spend all of his time there in the favela. It’s exactly how he imagined it to be there!
He wrote, “ I miss some of the people there in my other area, but here is so awesome! One kid yesterday thought I was Brazilian. He said I spoke perfect! :) Then he found out I only have 3 months here and he flipped! It was such a good feeling! That always happens, then the next day (today) someone will probably say I speak terrible! Ha ha it was super cool”
He told us he still hasn’t received the package his good friend/former young men’s leader/new YSA Bishop sent quite a while ago. He hopes he gets it still and someone else isn’t enjoying it!! They were recently told how to tell us to mark the packages from now on. Depending on what's in the package, they may have to pay to pick it up and sometimes the officials charge a lot. (Us parental units appreciate the Hatch's sending Kyler a package - it is very expensive to mail there and it's risky that it will actually get to him. Thank you from us and Elder Kyler)
He's so happy and loves Brazil, the people and serving the Lord so much.